January 21, 2020

Impeachment Trial

The Trump Impeachment Trial is about to get started.  Senators must decide on the rules under which they will conduct the trial. Why are they deciding rules?  Aren’t the rules set?  Contrary to what many may believe and Democrats have tried to avoid, a Senate Impeachment Trial is not the same as a Criminal or Civil Trial in a Court of Law.  Juris Prudence does not apply in an Impeachment Trail, Common Law and Legal Statures do not apply.  Democrats and the Media have attempted over the past month, while withholding the Articles of Impeachment, to conflate an Impeachment Trail with the proceedings the American Public is accustomed to seeing in courts of law.

All of this in an effort to cloud the perspective of the public and convince them that whatever the outcome, it was not just.  Senators should not allow themselves to be drawn into this tactic.  Their role is to pass judgment, not so much on the President but to pass judgment on the validity, accuracy and the facts in the Impeachment Articles submitted by the House.  Nowhere in the Impeachment Articles is there an accusation of “High Crimes and Misdemeanors.”  What there is however is much political bias.  They have accused the President of abusing the powers invested in him by the Constitution.  How did he abuse his power?  He asked the President of Ukraine to investigate corruption in his country.  Corruption that may or may not have involved the former Vice President, Joe Biden, and his son Hunter Biden.  Democrats have jumped to the conclusion that this was done in an effort to undermine Democrat Presidential contender Biden.  They immediately made this interpretation.  They were unable to take the request at face value, a request to investigate corruption in one of the most corrupt nations in the UN.  To be carried out by a recently elected President who ran on a ticket of anti-corruption.

No, for the Democrats, Trump was asking for dirt on Biden.  When they found the President had placed a hold on previously authorized Military Aid to Ukraine, this was interpreted as extortion.  It could never have been an effort to ensure Ukraine was in fact not going to allow the funds to go into the pockets of corrupt authorities as it had in the past.

I have paid close attention to the House inquiry into the events and the testimony of all of the witnesses.  Not once did I hear any witness state that President Trump made a specific request for Ukrainian interference in the 2020 election.  Not once did a hear testimony indicating the President made a specific request the funds be withheld until such time Ukraine delivered dirt on Biden.  Democrats have made this interpretation without any testimony to the effect as if they could read the mind of the President.

Impeachment is ill-defined in the Constitution and the framers were well aware of this.  They warned of the abuse of the power to impeach.  This abuse of the power to impeach is what we see being played out now.  Should the democrats prevail in their efforts it will radically change the political landscape in the United States for the foreseeable future.  It essentially will negate the separation of powers outlined in the Constitution and give Congress control over the Whitehouse and the Office of the President.

About the author 


With time on my hands and lots of views and opinions, I like to share my thoughts. What better way to put them out into the cybersphere for all to see than a personal blog.

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