For the past ten days or so, I continually see stories from the Mainstream Media claiming there have been spikes across the country in the number of COVID-19 cases and deaths. Why the media choose to continue to push this narrative is beyond me but it is not the truth. While they pick and choose states or counties showing what they claim are spikes, the complete story is new cases and new deaths are on the decline or stable.
I just read a story from Reuters claiming new cases were the highest they had been since May 2nd. As can be seen from the graph above, new cases have consistently remained below the May 2nd peak by more than 5000. The spikes that are seen over this period of time are generally attributable to the increase in testing and the lag in reporting agencies obtaining test results. Testing has reached 400,000 new tests per day. At the beginning of May, President Trump and the COVID-19 Task Force stated they expected almost 13 million people would have been tested by the end of May. Today more than 24 million people have been tested. The media does not tell you these facts.
On June 12th, in the United States there were 1,254 tests per million people. That is 413.820 people were tested. Of those 21,526 were found to be infected, or 5.2%. On that same day there were 791 new deaths.
The media has access to the same data I have, and, yet they do not choose to report this information. Instead, they choose to continue to try and spread fear, panic and anxiety among the American people. How long must we put up with this? How long must we endure a media not willing to provide us the facts but intent on reinterpreting what is happening around us? Do they believe we are ignorant and incapable of thinking for ourselves? Or are they so deranged they actually believe the lies they tell?