June 13, 2020

The United States is definitely going through trying times. The politics of our nation have fallen into a deep crevice not seen since the sixties. Political infighting is today's norm. The country is divided on all political topics. This disagreement has turned to violence, protests, and demonstrations, while the media bombards us with negative images and rhetoric creating fear and anxiety. To what end?

I have stated several times the intent of the media. There is an old saying, "if it bleeds, it leads." If it is about violence, disaster, or controversy, it goes to the front page or the lead-in on any newscast. This is how the media believe and have found the can keep readers and viewers engaged. They do not care if they disregard facts or twist the narrative to satisfy their endgame. We should all recognize this by now and verify or confirm all stories with alternate sources. Alternate sources known to present factual information.  JustFactsDaily.com or Snopes.com for example.  Wikipedia is another place to check but often includes opinions, quotes from unverified sources, and biased views.

The above leads us to our main point of discussion. How politicians and today's politics play into everything we see going on around us. We elect our leaders, whether local, state, or federal, to represent us. All of us. But what have they been doing for the past 40 years? They do not represent us, they represent some demographic the media chooses to highlight in the news. The pick and choose demographics to favor over everyone else. It has been decades since legislation was passed in favor of everyone.

Today they talk about equality. How can we begin to be equal when politicians write legislation favoring one group over another? That is the definition of inequality. Every piece of legislation written panders to a particular demographic. Whether it be Black Lives Matter, Rainbow Coalition, LGBTQ, the poor, the rich, the corporations, the middle class, the lower class or the upper class, the METOO movement, feminists, gun control advocates or gun owners. It doesn't matter, every piece of legislation is written to favor one over another. Why isn't every piece of legislation written to protect all Americans? Do we not deserve equal treatment under the law? The politicians have divided America for their own purposes.

You see, every time they appear in public, go on the campaign trail, or give a speech, they are seeking votes. They pander to the desires of the voters, but not every voter, they pick demographics they believe will give them an advantage in the next election. They promise favoritism in return for votes. Then the want to preach to us about equality.

Why do they do this? Power, power and money have corrupted them. They cannot stand the thought of not being reelected. What would happen to their power? What would happen to their money, the millions they receive from the different demographic causes they have raised up?

The majority of politicians do not start their political careers as millionaires. They are usually hardworking individuals who want to help right perceived wrongs. How is it then that after a few years in politics, not known for high salaries, are millionaires? Their wealth seems to have grown in leaps and bounds. Their campaign receives millions in donations to help them stay in power. All coming from causes they have shown favor to or promised favor to. It comes from corporations seeking their favor. The money is often cloaked in the form of payment for a speech given to a body of representatives in different industries. Industries seeking favor.

In the private world, if I am working for one corporation and am asked to give a speech to a group of representatives of the industry, I am prohibited from receiving any compensation, even expenses. I either have to pay my expenses or my company pays them for me. If I am compensated it is through my regular wage or salary from my company. Any monies received from the organization I spoke to would be considered a conflict of interest. So why isn't it a conflict of interest when a politician does the same? It should be.

The only way to end this cycle of wrongdoing is to vote the corrupt politicians out of office. Our founding fathers did not believe a career political class would rise up and did not provide for term limits. Congress is not about to amend the constitution and put term limits on themselves. The tool we have is our vote. Let's choose new representation and reclaim our freedoms and rights. Let's become knowledgeable about legislation that is put forward on every level. Let's insist on transparency from or politicians. Let's make them accountable for their actions. Most of all, let's ensure they do not continue to pass legislation that favors the few over everyone. If we are ever to be equal and receive equal justice under the law, there can be no laws favoring one class, race, religion, ethnicity, gender, organization, corporation, industrial sector, demographic of any sort over another.

About the author 


With time on my hands and lots of views and opinions, I like to share my thoughts. What better way to put them out into the cybersphere for all to see than a personal blog.

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