Our elected officials in Washington have failed in their duties to serve the people. In the last decade and a half Politicians in Washington have completely failed to represent the wishes and desires of the people. They have failed to enact legislation ensuring we the people can pursue our happiness as we deem necessary. They have a serious ailment, in my business world we referred to it as analysis paralysis. The investigate but never legislate. They hold hearings to find the other party at fault. They become stuck on one topic and never seem to be able to let it go. They spend all of their time complaining about one another. All in an effort to cement their position in Washington.
This is not a one party always after the other. Both parties are at fault. When was the last time the two parties worked together to enact legislation. It seems to me it was back in 2001-2002, after 9/11. Then they sensed the country wanted them to come together and there would be fall out if they did not. Since then, no matter who has control of the House or the Senate, the other party does everything in their power to obstruct the enactment of legislation.
It is almost comical and would be if not for the fact that we the people are the ones suffering though their failure to perform their duties. There is plenty of controversy now. Whether it be the Mueller Report, the Green New Deal, Immigration Reform (which nobody actually talks about), a border wall, Healthcare, Medicare for all, Electoral College, Supreme Court, etc. If one party puts forward a proposal, the other calls it nonsense, that it would never work, but when ask what they believe should be done their typical response is “we need to come up with an effective solution.” What in the world does that mean? How is that a response? They are unable to vocalize or elaborate on what they feel would actually solve the problem the other is trying to address. It is not so much that they do not believe there is a problem to be solved. It is more any solution the other party proposes cannot be sufficient.
When will they begin to work together to find solutions? Why does every piece of legislation have to be an omnibus solution? Why can they not tackle the problem in pieces? I don’t believe the current crowd of Senators and Congressmen will. I believe the solution has to come from the people. How do we provide a solution? We vote them out of office. We find new people who recognize they are not being sent to Washington to do battle with the other party but to find solutions to the problems we face. They also need to recognize, we do not want them to make a career of Washington. We want them to go, get their job done, then go home and take care of their family like a normal person.