December 12, 2019

I am so tired of watching and listening to all of the news and hyperbole surrounding the current Impeachment proceedings. Since before Trump took office it seems there has been nothing more than talk about how the election was stolen from the Democrats. Their preordained candidate did not get elected so they immediately declared it had to be because Trump colluded with the Russians. Everybody knows there was no way he could legitimately win the election. Since the FBI had already begun an investigation into his campaign seeking assistance from the Russians it was the perfect cause for their candidate’s failure to obtain sufficient Electoral College votes. Further investigation had to turn up something to confirm their suspicions.

Trump certainly played into their hands. As the FBI investigated and the media announced the FBI was close to finding a link, Trump fired the Director of the FBI, James Comey. To Democrats, this was obviously because the investigation was getting close. It constituted obstruction of justice. What else could he be afraid of? This was not the action of an innocent man in their view. So what does the DOJ do? They widen the investigation and increase the scope by assigning a Special Counsel, Robert Mueller. Democrats were elated. House and Senate Committees also took up the charge by opening their own investigations. There was such a clamor and fervor Democrats were able to turn several Republican-held Congressional districts and gain a majority in the House during the mid-term elections.

Now they could get serious about ousting the illegitimate President Trump. More investigations were opened. Several House Committees found reasons to investigate the President. There were press announcements on a weekly basis from one committee or another or leaks to the press that clear evidence had been found and would shortly be coming out. No announcements of clear evidence were forthcoming. Every committee was certain the Special Counsel would uncover damning evidence. After nearly two years of investigation by the Special Counsel, the final report found no evidence of collusion or cooperation by anyone within the Trump campaign organization.  The absence of evidence, however, did not mean for Democrats nothing wrong had been done.  It was imperative they find justification for their candidate’s failure to win.  Either that or find a way to oust this illegitimate President.

If you do not believe this to be the case, consider the words of Speaker Pelosi when announcing the House would be moving to formalize Articles of Impeachment.  “Our democracy is what is at stake.  The President leaves us no choice but to act because he is trying to corrupt, once again, the election for his own benefit.” She makes it more than clear by her words she believes Trump corrupted the 2016 Election.

When the Judiciary Committee took up the formalization of Articles of Impeachment, Chairman Nadler also made clear his own belief and conviction.  “We cannot rely on an election to solve our problems.”  In other words, Democrats cannot count on the American people to do their bidding and not elect Trump for a second term.  They must, therefore, get rid of him before the 2020 election and impeachment is their weapon of choice.

The sad story is they continue to use the media to do their bidding.  Time and time again, as I have listened to the proceedings, Congressmen or Congresswomen will ask the Chairman to include into the record some newspaper or magazine article claiming Trumps’ wrongdoing.  As if everything appearing in black and white were the absolute truth.

I just wish it were over.  I am so sick of this whole sordid affair.  But most of all I am sick of the Democrats’ belief they are smarter than the rest of us and know what is best for everyone.

About the author 


With time on my hands and lots of views and opinions, I like to share my thoughts. What better way to put them out into the cybersphere for all to see than a personal blog.

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