awareness, Censorship, Critical Thinking, Current Affairs, Elections, Free Will, Government, Politics, Thought

On May 6th, I posted a video regarding the origins of the SARS-COV-2 virus and information around how it came about. The video was Plandemic - Doctors in Black. Recently the producer has released a follow-up documentary addressing how we, as a society, have arrived at this crossroads. The first video was immediately attacked as being misinformation. In the absence of facts to dispute the interviewees, supposed fact-checkers have gone to great lengths to assassinate their character, making numerous false claims about their credentials and professional background.

This new video, Pandemic - InDoctorNation, a clip of which you can see above, delves deeper into the historical background behind pandemics and raises questions regarding preparedness. Already the supposed fact-checkers have denounced the video as conspiracy theorist propaganda. But they do not refute a single fact exposed in the video. For them, it is all about assassinating the interviewees' character, as if that were enough to negate the facts.

The historical perspective brought to bear in this video is fascinating and exposes the origins of big pharma. I found the entire production to be extremely informative. Both videos are available on a new platform developed after the previous sources on YouTube and other venues were taken down. is a new site dedicated to giving many controversial and thought-provoking producers an outlet for their works. I hope you will take advantage of it and watch the complete video.


awareness, censorship, coronavirus, COVID-19, Future

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