It is not that I haven't had anything to say for the last couple of months. It is I had too much to say and a lot of it was going to be negative and I didn't want to turn this into a negative place for me or anyone else. However, I am finding it hard to come up with positive things to say about what is happening in our society today. The Woke Culture / Cancel Culture have become the Bully Culture. No they haven't become, they have always been. Their tactic when dealing with others of differing opinions has always been to bully and intimidate. They attempt to bully/intimidate everyone into accepting their point of view, while never presenting cogent arguments for why they are in the right. They easily manipulate others to join their cause with this tactic and pressure them to join the Bully/Intimidate Movement.
Take for example the latest round of bullying. Georgia, having passed a voter integrity law protecting the rights of all Georgians to vote their conscience, a law similar to the laws already in effect in 40 other states, is being bullied/intimidated into believing the law is racist. Even large corporations like Delta Airlines, Coca-Cola and Major League Baseball have allowed themselves to be bullied/intimidated into changing policies or boycotting the State.. This is what we see everywhere Woke/Cancel Culture comes forward. Big Corporations, without a second thought, jump on board simply because they are afraid of losing a customer or two. They are incapable of looking back and seeing how they have lost customers in the past. Or perhaps they have learned we Americans have short lived memories. We boycott for a month or two and then we return to those same old purchasing habits.
It is high time we stand up against the Woke/Cancel Culture and make our voices heard. We cannot sit idly by and allow our world to turn into an Orwellian 1984. A world where free thought and speech are denied. Where every word must be carefully weighed before it is uttered for fear of it being taken out of context or otherwise betraying our true feelings. When did we become a society in which it is much more important what others think of us than what we may think of ourselves? Are we a society so desperate for validation we are willing to betray our on beliefs and principles? What does that really say about us?
We cannot please everyone and in so trying we lose sight of who we are. We become chameleons, intent on changing our colors in accordance with the background noise. If 40 states already have laws in place similar to those of Georgia, doesn't that amount to a majority? Yet still, we cower before these Bullies who call themselves Woke and want to Cancel our beliefs and history. I for one will not.

Very well said. You echo my own thoughts and feelings. We have to stand for our beliefs even if we stand alone. In reality we aren't alone. I think the majority of Americans feel the same way we do. Those who stand up give encouragement to the silent majority to begin speaking up within their own circle of influence.