January 1, 2021

The year that was 2020 is now gone. Everyone is likely thrilled it is finally over. What will 2021 bring? What can we expect? I am sure everyone is hopeful and would like to believe brighter days lie ahead. There is a vaccine for the SARS-COV-2 virus wreaking havoc upon the world, especially the USA. That surely portends an end to the pandemic. It should also mean an end to the incessant lockdowns, social distancing, and mask-wearing. People will surely begin to return to a pre-COVID lifestyle. Or will they?

For one, I would like it to be the case, but I am not so optimistic. There are plenty of so-called experts out there, Dr. Fauci being one, who continue to express doubts about whether or not we will ever be rid of the threat of SARS-COV-2. They have announced a new strain of the virus. One that is more contagious, apparently. One that may or may not be controlled by the vaccine. They are now saying to bring the virus under control, we may need more than 90% herd immunity. That means obligating people to get vaccinated, forcing vaccinations on people. They can make it a condition of employment. They can make it a condition of school attendance. They can threaten us in so many ways. Insurance companies can deny you health care coverage unless you have been vaccinated. Rental agencies can deny you a home or apartment. Airlines can deny you travel. Continued lockdowns, even more severe than previous lockdowns, may become the norm.

I certainly hope this is not the case, but the rhetoric coming from many corners indicates all of these options remain in play. We will have a new government. We have no experience with them or what action they may take to continue to exercise control of the virus or the population. What can we expect? What policies will change? Will our freedoms be restored or be limited more severely? What are they willing to do to ensure they have total control? Will the pandemic continue to be the shield they hide behind in order to deny us our liberties?

All we can do at this time is hope for the best. Pray the dark days they say are ahead of us are really behind us.

About the author 


With time on my hands and lots of views and opinions, I like to share my thoughts. What better way to put them out into the cybersphere for all to see than a personal blog.