January 19, 2023


After the 2022 midterm elections, expectations for the coming years are low. Republicans had hoped for significant gains in both the House and the Senate, but those gains were not realized. As a result, it is expected that 2023 and 2024 will be difficult for political and economic progress. This blog post will discuss three key issues that are expected to continue to impact society and the economy in the coming years.

Inflation will remain a significant problem

Inflation has been a significant problem for several years and is expected to continue to be so in 2023. The high oil prices are driving inflation, raising the costs of transportation of goods to wholesale and retail markets. The impact of this is felt by everyone, as it drives the prices of goods higher. The Biden Administration's attack on the energy sector will continue to impact the economy, driving up the prices of plastics, asphalt, and other goods that rely on petroleum in their manufacture. The administration's push for Climate Change will also impact the electrical infrastructure, driving up electricity prices. All of these factors will contribute to inflation, making it a significant problem for the economy in 2023.

Illegal Immigration will continue to impact the Southern Border

Illegal immigration will continue to be a major issue in 2023, as Congress is unlikely to address it. Unless Congress impeaches Secretary Mayorkas, the Biden Administration is unlikely to change its policies on illegal immigration. The southern border states will continue to suffer from the consequences of illegal immigration, including drug trafficking, human trafficking, and other criminal activities. Without a change in policy, it is unlikely that the situation at the southern border will improve in the coming year.

Congress will fail to address serious issues confronting society and the economy

Due to the narrow margin of the Republican majority in the House, it is likely that House Republicans will be unable to pass any significant changes. With the Democrats holding a majority in the Senate, any bill passed by the House can be blocked. Even if a bill manages to pass both houses, President Biden is likely to use his veto pen, knowing that neither house will be able to come up with the two-thirds majority necessary to overcome his veto. As a result, it is unlikely that Congress will be able to address serious issues confronting society and the economy in 2023.


In conclusion, expectations for 2023 are low, and it is expected to be a difficult year. Inflation, illegal immigration, and the failure of Congress to address serious issues are expected to continue to impact society and the economy. While there may be swings in local elections, it remains to be seen whether the changes invoked under new leadership will have a lasting effect. It is hoped that Congress will be able to address some of the serious issues confronting society and the economy in the coming years. However, with the current political climate, it is unlikely that significant progress will be made.

About the author 


With time on my hands and lots of views and opinions, I like to share my thoughts. What better way to put them out into the cybersphere for all to see than a personal blog.