December 14, 2021

There is only one way to describe the events of the past two years, a Tragedy of Mengeleian Proportions perpetrated by another infamous doctor and his cohorts. As of this writing, 5,332,371 people have unnecessarily died from a disease that should have been no more serious than the seasonal flu. The doctor behind this tragedy is none other than Dr. Anthony Fauci, Director of the US agency NIAID. Over the past two years, he has led the media around by the nose, convincing them he has all of the answers to fighting off the disaster of SARS-COV-2 (COVID-19). However, during this entire time, he has not put forward a single treatment to mitigate or alleviate the symptoms or effects of COVID-19.

Instead, during the first year, his response for those who became infected was to go home; if your symptoms worsen to the point you are having trouble breathing, go to the hospital where you can be put on a ventilator and die. During this time, doctors worldwide were looking for treatments to alleviate symptoms and mitigate outcomes for their patients. So they turned to existing drugs, known to have beneficial effects on similar symptoms, but that would have to be prescribed off-label. Several drugs were found to have very positive results in alleviating symptoms and improving outcomes. However, as soon as published papers announced the results to the world, Doctor Fauci and his cohorts denounced the evidence as flawed and unscientific. He then proceeded to launch campaigns against their use. He enlisted his cohorts at the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to issue warnings to pharmacies forbidding them to accept prescriptions for off-label use and thereby deny millions of citizens access to therapeutics shown to alleviate symptoms and mitigate outcomes.

I have often asked myself why such a concerted effort to discourage the use of existing drugs despite evidence that these drugs worked well and reduced deaths significantly. For example, estimates of death reduction by rapidly deploying these drugs range between 60 to 80%. Or, instead of 5.3 million deaths, we may have only seen 1 million deaths. More than 4 million people unnecessarily died due to the selfish ego of one man and those who have backed him for two years. How many more will die as he continues to spew forth his negative science? And how did this happen to begin with?

I find two reasons; first, people stopped using their critical thinking skills. Either because they were never taught these skills or too lazy to implement them. Society has become accustomed to gaining all knowledge from the media. They assume the media is not going to miss lead them. That only happens in the Globe and the National Enquirer. Society has forgotten the media prays at the altar of the almighty dollar. The media is only interested in more advertising revenue, and advertising revenue is acquired through the volume of viewers and readers they gain by sensationalizing stories. They proceeded to sensationalize every aspect of the COVID-19 crisis.

Second, science has become a cult or pseudo-religion. I am not sure which to call it, but people believe everything they are told if it comes with the claim of being scientific or having a scientific basis. Just recall what Dr. Anthony Fauci said in a public interview, "If you attack me, you are attacking science." As if this statement legitimizes everything he says. Science is not a pursuit Dr. Fauci is interested in. His only interest has been to further his self-interest and ego. Believing he was more intelligent than anyone else, he became convinced it was in the world's best interest to pursue gain of function research despite being banned. He decided which vaccines should be developed to fight COVID-19. He discouraged using existing drugs for treatment because he knew the availability of an existing drug would prevent emergency use authorization of his vaccines.

"For FDA to issue an EUA (emergency use authorization), there must be no adequate approved and available alternative to the product for diagnosing, preventing, or treating the disease or condition..."

Should you be interested in a deep dive into the history of Dr. Anthony Fauci, I suggest you get a copy of The Real Anthony Fauci by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. It is a rigorously researched and documented accounting of the tragedy imposed upon the world by an unscrupulous individual and those who back him. Once you have read the book, if you wish to remain faithful to Dr. Fauci and his science, so be it. If not, I urge you to speak up and let all of your friends know how he has destroyed the lives of millions. It is the only way those harmed will ever be remembered, and this imperfect man brought to justice.

About the author 


With time on my hands and lots of views and opinions, I like to share my thoughts. What better way to put them out into the cybersphere for all to see than a personal blog.

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