October 8, 2020

The nation has now seen two debates, one presidential and one vice-presidential. Nothing new came from the debates. The Democrats continue to parrot the Liberal Left with their criticism of the Trump Administration's handling of the SARS-COV-2 (coronavirus) crisis without stating what exactly should have been done. Instead, they point to the 210,000 deaths. As if the Administration is responsible and the deaths should not have happened or would not have happened had the Administration taken some unexpressed action. When pressed to state what the Biden-Harris Administration will do, if elected, they can only come up with actions the Trump Administration has already taken or is planning to take. Vice-president Pence recognized this in his debate with Senator Kamala Harris and said so. Even stating "it sounds like plagiarism, something Biden is known for."

From time to time, it is essential to remind people of what the Trump administration has done to help us get to the point we are today. Rather than write out the timeline myself, I will refer you to an article at justthenews.com, outlining all of Trump's actions. Many actions were taken which the media chose to ignored and never discussed.

More important for me is their clinging to the number of deaths experienced in the US. In this year, there have been 500,000 deaths from cardiovascular disease, 462,000 deaths from cancer. Were these lives not important? Why do they emphasize SARS-COV-2 deaths? Were these deaths, also, not predictable or outside of our control? Why are these any different than the deaths from SARS-COV-2? Were the individuals not the grandparents, parents, children, or siblings of someone and therefore not important?  Is there no one grieving for these individuals?

This, however, is what upsets me the most. This year there have been 665,000 abortions. Where is the clamor for their lives? Were these helpless humans not important? Did they not deserve to grow into adulthood and have an opportunity to experience life to its fullest? How is it possible to put more value on one human's life over another in our society? Do not all lives matter?  I have to think so.

About the author 


With time on my hands and lots of views and opinions, I like to share my thoughts. What better way to put them out into the cybersphere for all to see than a personal blog.