May 3, 2020

The Democrats and Socialists in Congress, the Senate, State Governors, State Legislators, and Local Authorities have taken full advantage of the current crisis to implements sweeping changes they would never get away with before COVID-19 (CCP Virus). They placed the entire nation on lockdown with their stay at home edicts, closure of businesses, and restriction of daily activities. They enacted legislation to give away trillions of dollars. They have acted more and more like a totalitarian government than ever before.

How did they do this? They, in concert with the media, created a false narrative about the potential impact of the virus. A narrative that portrays the virus as one of the most deadly pandemics ever seen. The projected millions of deaths in the United States alone. They continue to push this false narrative trying to prolong the fear and their control by stating 1) it is too early to reopen America for business, 2) we could see a resurgence of cases if we reopen, 3) we don't know if you become immune or not, etc., etc.

The early models indicated deaths in the United States could be as high as 2.2 million people. While these models were early and based on limited information (information coming out of China), they appear to have had several flaws. With additional data, now from other sources and not just China, the models quickly dropped their projections to one-tenth of the original projections. Newer models likely incorporated, not just the new data but the social distancing implemented by most countries. As well as modified assumptions regarding infection rates and death rates. While the outcomes in these newer models are still undesirable, there should be no need to continue with the implementation of draconian/totalitarian control measures on the general public.

However, now that Democrats and Socialists have seen how easy it is to control outcry from the public when they are in a state of fear, expect them to continue to use this fear to further their agenda. There is now talk of additional aid packages to assist various corporations and industries in their recovery from the effects of the tactics implemented by the States and local authorities. Where do these people believe the money will come from? Do they believe it is as simple as printing additional currency and distributing it as needed? (This just happens to be the Modern Monetary Theory espoused by several recently elected Representatives.) Or do they understand it will come from taxpayers and future taxpayers? The nearly $23 trillion debt we currently have means nothing to them.

As we have seen, from the already enacted aid packages, the government does not know how to control the distribution of the funds they allocate. Just as they have never been able to control the funds from past allocations, TARP and military spending come to mind. Stimulus checks have gone to the dead while others deserving of stimulus checks have not received a dime. Payroll protection has gone to large private corporations with millions and sometimes billions of dollars in cash reserves. While small, mom and pop, businesses have received nothing. Millions went to large businesses that should not have been allowed to qualify because they have more than 500 employees but a loophole was utilized where if an individual work location did not have more than 500 employees they were still eligible.

Congress has gone to considerable effort to incorporate the New Green Deal or other socialist agenda items into each aid package. Some to no avail thanks to a few good people. Rest assured however these tactics will continue until they do succeed.

The edicts issued by Governors and local authorities will never be completely rolled back. People will continue to be afraid of each other and the possibility of infection. Handshakes will be a thing of the past. Greetings with hugs and kisses will also be from the past. Large gatherings, parties, social events, sports events, movie theaters, and restaurants will all change. Will restaurants even be able to survive? If they arrange their seating to allow for social distancing, how many patrons can they serve? A large part of the food supply chain was built for restaurants. The disruption to this supply chain will have an impact on food prices which are already on the rise under the current conditions. Farmers and ranchers will be forced to cut production to avoid waste. Cutbacks in production will mean fewer products but the same fixed costs to be covered by whatever revenue they earn.

I don't believe the general public has even begun to think of the long-term implications of the actions taken by the Government. They have been and remain in such a state of fear they look for the Government to continue to take action. All the while believing things will eventually return to normal. 30 million or more unemployed workers are not going to suddenly return to work. The debt they have accumulated in the absence of any income will not just suddenly disappear. Therefore they will continue to look to the government to fix their situation, keeping the door open for additional totalitarian and socialist action. Every Democrat and Socialists wet dream.

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