December 5, 2021

Omicron, the new COVID variant, is devastating the world. Or so politicians, the CDC, and Dr. Anthony Fauci would have us believe. This past week health, officials from South Africa advised of a new COVID Variant. WHO quickly named the variant Omicron. Countries all over the world reacted with alarm. Many implemented travel bans on African countries. These have spread to travel bans on other countries where Omicron has been detected. New mask mandates have been imposed in many countries, and now governments are mandating vaccines for all citizens and travelers.

However, reading the statements from the doctors and scientists who first discovered the variant, they state, to date, no one diagnosed with the variant has been hospitalized. Instead, only mild symptoms have been presented, and patients are being treated at home. So is the knee-jerk reaction of governments warranted?

In particular, here in the United States, is it appropriate for our government to use this new variant to further impose upon citizens to wear masks, get vaccines, refrain from socializing? Or is it another opportunity for the government to cajole the public into accepting unnecessary policies and political views? In the past two years, the government has budgeted trillions of dollars using fear of COVID as the rationale for their policies. As a result, they have created an atmosphere of fear that pervades much of society. They lead us like lambs to the slaughter.

Why do people believe the government can provide an answer for all questions or problems that arise in a society? Are we too lazy to seek answers on our own? Do we believe politicians are better equipped to find an answer? Do we think there is one answer for all strata of society? Politicians are just people. They are no different than the rest of us, other than we elected them to office. Their answers to questions must be evaluated against the facts and the data available to us all and placed in perspective based on our personal experiences. We should not rely on them blindly or simply because they have the same political persuasion as we have.

The question I have had and have expressed here on other occasions is why the United States, one of the most technologically advanced nations, has suffered more deaths from COVID than any other country? Were we so ill-equipped to confront the virus? Why is it the only viable solution deemed to be effective is a vaccine when treatments seem to have worked in other parts of the world? Why are vaccines being pushed upon those who have recovered from infection and have antibodies?  I recently found the answers to all of these questions in the book The Real Anthony Fauci by Robert F. Kennedy Jr.  I encourage everyone to read the book and evaluate for yourself the perspective you have been fed by the mainstream media.

Omicron has not proven to be more deadly than any of the other variants of COVID. Currently, in the United States, the death rate for COVID is 0.2%, and the Case Fatality Rate is 1.6%. In other words, 984 people out of every thousand people infected with COVID survive. This statistic has remained very much the same before and after vaccines became available. Vaccines have not proven effective in preventing infection. However, they do mitigate the symptoms and reduce the number of hospitalizations. Early detection and treatment provides the same outcome. For this reason, there should be more emphasis placed on early detection using rapid tests. Rapid tests are available, but they are much too expensive for the individual.

Omicron has not devastated the world and is not likely to do so. There has been no pandemic, but rather a crisis of immense proportion brought on by governments' desire to control the populous and further agendas. When we all recognize this and begin to throw off the shackles placed upon us, we will be able to return to normal.

About the author 


With time on my hands and lots of views and opinions, I like to share my thoughts. What better way to put them out into the cybersphere for all to see than a personal blog.

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