June 1, 2021

What if SARS-COV-2 (COVID-19) was developed and deployed as a Bioweapon? What would that mean for society? As more and more media outlets are now questioning the origins of the SARS-COV-2 virus, this has to be a question they ask. Does it matter if it accidentally escaped from a lab? Especially if there is clear evidence of it having been developed as a bioweapon?

Why ask these questions? When I was taking High School Biology, the teacher advised there would be an important exam covering the topics we had studied that semester. On the day of the exam, we walked into class and found each lab table laid out with something related to the subject matter we had studied. We sat down, and the teacher explained we were to go to each table, observe what was there and write down the question being asked. Those were the only instructions. Later, when the exam results were returned, we asked why the exam didn't ask us questions about what was on the tables. His response was, "Asking the right question is often harder than finding the right answer. Once you know the question, the answer is usually easy to find." A life lesson for me.

Returning then to questions above. Bioweapon research has been banned in most countries and by the international community. Yet, we all know that does not hold back those misguided nations and individuals who are intent on wielding ultimate power over others. The first question, what if SARS-COV-2 is the result of bioweapon development? When the specter of this possibility arose early in the pandemic, it was all but laughed at by politicians, the science and medical community, and the media. Today, it is being considered by all. Last year, I raised the question in several posts, including videos with interviews of doctors and scientists who believed SARS-COV-2 to have been developed in a lab.

Did the virus escape from the facility where it was developed, or was it intentionally released? I am not aware of evidence of an intentional release, but I have another question leading me to believe it may be the case. Why has the United States, with one of the most advanced health and medical systems in the world, suffered so many cases and deaths? There are, for me, only two explanations. One, the United States was targeted, and the virus was released or sent here. Two, by some quirk of fate, a large number of infected individuals were able to travel here early on and throughout the pandemic.

This leads to other questions. Was the virus developed here in the United States? Did another nation design it? Did other bad actors create and deploy it? If any of these scenarios are true, what is the world to do? If it is discovered another nation was responsible, the rest of the world would have no recourse but to declare them a pariah and ostracize them entirely if not destroy them. If it is discovered there are bad actors intent on seizing power, they too would be faced with similarly severe consequences.

Are we asking the right questions to determine how the virus originated? Or are we afraid of the answer we might find and therefore prefer to hide our heads in the sand?

About the author 


With time on my hands and lots of views and opinions, I like to share my thoughts. What better way to put them out into the cybersphere for all to see than a personal blog.