August 17, 2020

The media continues its efforts to paint the current crisis as little less than the end of the world. According to them, cases have risen dramatically, deaths are also on the rise, and the crisis is entirely out of control. They and their liberal supporters would have us all wear masks, be in lockdown, and be out of work. Who needs the economy if we will all be dead in six months is their unspoken mantra.

Meanwhile, pandemic has become their favorite descriptor. The media talk about the pandemic of violence in America, the pandemic of protests, the pandemic of riots, and the pandemic of gun violence. Isolated events are not a pandemic. This language makes ever more clear their intentions of spreading fear and anxiety.

The one thing they never do is delve into the data available on COVID-19 cases and deaths. If they did, they would find much of the data does not support their narrative. COVID-19 deaths have remained constant at 9% of all deaths in the United States for months. They refuse to mention there have been three times as many abortions this year than COVID-19 deaths. Or that 4.5 times as many have died from cardiovascular disease and cancer, the two most prevalent causes of death, than COVID-19. And they never discuss the fact the median age of those dying from COVID-19 is 78 years, which happens to correspond with the life expectancy of a person in the United States, 78.6 years. Nor do they talk about the fact almost all deaths involve comorbidity. In other words, it is most likely doctors cannot positively attribute the death to COVID-19. This is why they always say died with COVID-19 and not died from COVID-19.

The scientific experts talk about the millions of lives saved by social distancing, wearing masks, and the lockdowns. Where is the scientific evidence corroborating this assertion? Is it merely the fact they initially said the US would see 2.2 million deaths? The average number of deaths in any given year is 8,638 per million people in the US. There is no indication this number has risen significantly as a result of COVID-19. You can refer to the CDC FastStats to confirm any of these numbers.

It is clear there is a bias in the media. A bias towards creating an ambiance of fear and anxiety. A bias to ensure the public is prepared to obey any government-issued/media supported mandate. The equivalent of declared marshal law without the declaration. This is all in the lead up to the most important election in our time—an election pitting good against evil, freedom against servitude.

About the author 


With time on my hands and lots of views and opinions, I like to share my thoughts. What better way to put them out into the cybersphere for all to see than a personal blog.