April 13, 2023

Freedom of expression is a fundamental right enshrined in the First Amendment of the United States Constitution. However, over the last 40 years, there has been a concerning erosion of this right, as various interests have contributed to the silencing of dissenting voices and the narrowing of the scope of acceptable speech.

One significant factor in the erosion of freedom of expression in the USA has been the increasing polarization of political discourse. Every politician sees dissent as something to be seized upon to bolster their numbers in the polls. Instead of helping the two sides find a way to engage in reasonable debate, politicians spew forth flaming rhetoric, inciting the two sides to launch verbal, if not physical attacks upon one another. In addition, the rise of social media, cable news, and internet news channels has created echo chambers in which individuals are exposed only to views that align with their own, leading to a lack of empathy and understanding for opposing viewpoints. This has contributed to a culture in which individuals are quick to label dissenting voices as “other” or “enemies,” effectively shutting down dialogue and debate.

Another factor is the increasing influence of corporate interests on public discourse. The concentration of media ownership in the hands of a few large conglomerates has resulted in a homogenization of news and opinion, with dissenting voices often marginalized or silenced altogether. In addition, many media corporations have become more concerned with protecting their brand image than defending free speech and open dialogue principles. This has led to a chilling effect on speech, as individuals fear retribution for expressing unpopular or controversial views.

A third factor is the increasing influence of government surveillance and censorship. In the aftermath of 9/11, the USA enacted a series of laws and policies aimed at combating terrorism, which had the unintended consequence of eroding civil liberties. The Patriot Act, for example, granted the government broad surveillance powers, allowing it to monitor phone and email communications without a warrant. In addition, the government has become more aggressive in prosecuting individuals for leaking classified information or expressing dissenting views. This has had a chilling effect on whistleblowers and journalists, who fear prosecution for exposing government wrongdoing.

Finally, the rise of cancel culture has significantly impacted freedom of expression in the USA. Cancel culture refers to the practice of ostracizing or shaming individuals for expressing unpopular or controversial views. While cancel culture is often seen as a grassroots phenomenon driven by social media, it has also been weaponized by powerful individuals and institutions. For example, universities and employers have fired or disciplined individuals for expressing offensive or politically incorrect views. This has created a climate in which individuals are afraid to express dissenting views for fear of retribution.

This has led to an environment where discussing solutions to our society’s problems is difficult. An example is the rise of Black Lives Matter and the claim of systemic racism has led discussions on racism away from a coherent conversation about the absence of a father in black families. No one is discussing how the lack of a male figure in the Black Family affects the children. Nor the fact it impoverishes the Family even more. The role models for these children become the Black rappers, singers, and professional athletes who have found their way out. They aspire, led in part by the media, to have the same lives, riches, and fame as these individuals. But not every youngster has these same talents. Many then turn to gangs and violence. The absence of a father in the home, one who works to provide adequate food, clothing, and shelter, and one who encourages his children to get an education, is a primary factor in the poverty and issues facing the Black Community.

Another example can be found in the article “Dylan Mulvaney and Bud Light reveal this shocking truth about the gender insanity cult.”

The majority of society has allowed its voice to be silenced through intimidation and the threat of being ostracized. If we are to regain our voice and reset the course of our and our children’s future, we must not shy away from difficult conversations. It is often difficult. So many, when confronting the facts, will call you out as stupid, a bigot, or some other pejorative. Their actions reflect more upon them than anyone else. If they cannot arm themselves with coherent fact-based arguments, others will ultimately see the fallacy in the position being pushed upon them.

 In conclusion, the erosion of freedom of expression in the USA over the last 40 years has been driven by a complex set of factors, including political polarization, corporate influence, government surveillance, censorship, and cancel culture. These factors have contributed to narrowing the scope of acceptable speech and have a chilling effect on dissenting voices. Therefore, to preserve freedom of expression, it is essential to defend the right to express unpopular or controversial views, promote open dialogue and debate, and resist the influence of powerful interests on public discourse.

About the author 


With time on my hands and lots of views and opinions, I like to share my thoughts. What better way to put them out into the cybersphere for all to see than a personal blog.