September 13, 2020

It seems not a day goes by without major news outlets announcing surges in coronavirus cases and deaths everywhere.  I sincerely hope the public can see through the MSM lies.  The above graph shows why the daily case number does not matter.  As is easily seen in the graph above, there is typically a surge every week.  Why is this?  It is because many commercial and public testing organizations do not report over the weekend.  When they get around to reporting, they report the cumulative new tests rather than separate them by day.  This results in an apparent surge during the week.  Even those that do separate data by day do not report out the corrected daily totals.  If reporting organizations were to report past data updates daily, the public would quickly lose confidence in the reports.  For a more in-depth and professional explanation of why reporting should be on a seven-day rolling average, please see Steve McConnell's excellent article.  While there, look at his other information on modeling of the coronavirus.

If the above is true for daily case counts, it is equally true of daily death counts.  The MSM, however, wants us to believe the crisis is still upon us.  So they cherry-pick the data for a state or city where the daily count is seemingly on the rise and report it as a new surge.  Completely ignoring the timing of the report, they have based the information on.  Many people say numbers don't lie, but people do, and the reporters who ignore the facts and report based on inaccurate information are lying.

Which leads me to a discussion of modeling in this crisis period; more than 30 organizations contribute to the modeling put out by the CDC.  One of these organizations, IHME, out of Washington, has been used by the media on numerous occasions citing their dire forecast of deaths to come from the crisis.  IHME has largely been responsible, along with MSM, for putting fear and panic at the heart of the crisis.  This past week, Steve McConnell posted an article critiquing IHME's models and questioning whether they have some agenda.  IHME's models have consistently fallen outside the ranges of other models, yet it is the preferred model by most MSM outlets.

I am not going to state the obvious, but it is clear MSM is not interested in providing the public with information that would allow for sound decision making.  No, their interest is in controlling the narrative so they can manipulate public opinion and prepare/program us to accept the inevitable.  Or what their tiny minds see as inevitable.

Since the beginning of this year I have written frequently on the COVID-19 Crisis.  I hope some of what I have written has encouraged you to be more critical of the information provided by the MSM outlets.  Remember, they will rarely provide you with accurate and factual information.  It is better to go to the source and draw your opinion without the interference of MSM.

About the author 


With time on my hands and lots of views and opinions, I like to share my thoughts. What better way to put them out into the cybersphere for all to see than a personal blog.